It was an enriching experience. Learning at Tree House teacher training has made me gain a lot of confidence and has improved my skills. The curriculum is well planned and executed by experienced trainers. The teaching strategies and methods adopted comprehensively trained us in different aspects of the childhood Education. I would highly recommend pursuing the course from Tree House for an all- round development of personality as a teacher. A big thank you to my trainer Binoy Parekh who helped to tap and use my potential to the fullest.
One word to describe this Teacher Training Course is SUPERB. This course has covered everything that we need to know to become exceptional teachers, and to have a mentor like trainer Binoxy Parakh is a blessing to all of us. Tree House has done justice to Teacher Training and given an opportunity to people who are busy, working, home-makers, etc. To sum it all, it takes a good curriculum and an awesome trainer, Binoxy Parakh to happily and successfully conclude this course.
Few glimpses of online Teacher Training Course and creativity of our trainees